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Good Neighbours

Can we help you or someone you know ?


Our Good Neighbour Scheme is here to help anyone living in the Guisborough area, including our Church family members. Please give us a call if you feel we may be able to help.


The main services we can provide are shown below, but if other needs arise that cannot otherwise be met, then we may be able to offer some practical help or advice.

How we can help?

Transport Lifts for those who would otherwise have difficulty making necessary journeys. Such journeys include attending local doctors’ and hospital appointments, visiting relatives in hospital, etc. Not intended as a general taxi service! No charge is made. Users who wish to make a contribution to the scheme may of course give a donation.        



Hospital visiting This is for those in local hospitals who would otherwise have few visitors. There is a link to Transport to provide lifts for relatives who have difficulty making the journeys for hospital visits.



Home visiting This is for those who are sick, lonely or housebound and who are not receiving sufficient visits or offers of help. The service here includes visiting simply to offset loneliness or perhaps providing some practical help such as shopping. The service can involve either short term visiting, say for someone who has recently returned home from a stay in hospital, or longer term for someone with an ongoing need.



How to request help Call in to see our receptionist in the Church Office between 10am and 12 noon on any Monday, Wednesday and some Fridays, or telephone and leave a message at any time on 01287 610349. 

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